Saturday, April 24, 2010

I don't care who reads this.

So lets just say these past two months have sucked. I screwed up big time, more than once, and its now bitting me in the butt. People hate my guts, calling me names (which some I can handle, and others just straight out want to beat me up. I act like I don't care, but sometimes I do. I keep building up an image for everyone and they believe it, but I just want to drop it.
I shall call this my complaining spot, sorry if it annoys you but I gotta let it out. So I am a heartless person and sometimes I offend people without knowing it. I'm sorry if I ever did that to you. I also miss my old friends, and when I say old I mean elementary/7th grade old. Why does everything have to change? I don't like it very much.
Also, next year I am going to be a new person. Its gonna be sophomore year, half way through high school and the way I lived my Freshman year wasn't very good at all. I made many mistakes and need to fix the. I am going to change the ways I treat guys and my friends. I have re-built a wall that hides me, and now I have to destroy it again. I think what opened my eyes was some of the events that have rolled out in my life, like mysterious calls from about 4 people saying how they don't like me, or a friend wanting to end life, or one playing with the laws. I need to get some of those influences out of my life, they haven't affected me et, but they might, and I don't want that.
Well I hope you had fun reading this cause I sure did have fun typing it, I let out some of my inner most feelings and laid them out in front of you.

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